Maps of the Neighborhood and Surrounding Areas
Click on the map for the enlargement!
You may park your vehicle on the street for no longer than 6 hours at a stretch. So, overnight parking is prohibited. This is because the roads in John's Woods are narrow and parked vehicles can impede emergency vehicles and school buses.
Although the sidewalk curbs in John's Woods are slanted, rather than vertical, they are NOT intended to allow vehicles to be parked on sidewalks. There are Oregon laws and Lake Oswego ordinances to this effect, and offenders can be ticketed.
Every fall (usually in mid-November), the JWHOA arranges for Republic Services to make a special pickup of yard debris. An email with details of each years' pickup will be sent to the entire neighborhood about a month ahead of time. There is also a copy of the Yard Debris Pickup Rules under "DOCS" on this website.
JWHOA arranges for a special pickup of junk once every even-numbered year (usually in the late Spring). An email with details of each years' pickup will be sent to the entire neighborhood about a month ahead of time. There is also a copy of the Junk Pickup Rules under "DOCS" on this website.
If you've either lost your cat or dog, or found a stray cat or dog, you can post it to the neighborhood on Facebook using your own Facebook account. Just click on the icon at the bottom of this page.
Just send an email to the JWHOA board at [email protected].